# Hello, I am [`cube`](About.md)!
>***I help impact driven organisations maximise their potential with data.***
My work has spanned from running monitoring and evaluation programmes, to building public facing digital platforms and authoring deeply reported and researched publications. The key thread across all of these endeavours has been the role data and technology in making information more accessible and actionable to augment decision making.
You can check out some of my [selected works](Projects.md), or read my [published writings](Writings.md) to learn more about it. I am always eager to engage with new folks, and discover interesting avenues to collaborate. If that's you, feel free to [reach out](Services.md) for a quick chat! 🙂
### Get in touch elsewhere..
### [📬](mailto:
[email protected] "email") [💼](https://www.linkedin.com/in/thedataareclean/ "linkedin") [🧵](https://threads.net/thedataareclean/ "threads") [🐦](https://twitter.com/TheDataAreClean "twitter") [📑](arpit-arora-resume.pdf "resume")
> [!example]- An important note about this website.
>I intend to build this website as a digital twin of my life's ongoing adventures spanning from my work experiments, to my personal thoughts and everything in between. This means you can expect some aspects of this website to be WIP as I add and/or learn new things.
>You can see an incomplete to-do list of all upcoming enhancements [here](About), and reach out to me if you ever need more information.